Teacher at DéDé Dance

My name is Ilse Frankenmolen and I teach at DéDé Dance. I am 17 years old and I have been dancing with DéDé Dance for 13 years now, I have also been teaching my own groups for 2 years. I teach these classes at the locations: Tongelre, Veldhoven and Blixembosch. I also teach Urban classes on Wednesday evenings in Veldhoven and I definitely enjoy doing this! At first it took some getting used to teaching a different dance style, but I am now completely settled in. In addition to all the dancing during the week (which comes out to about 18 hours a week), I am currently in my first year of teaching assistant training at MBO.

DéDé Dance teacher Ilse

What does DéDé Dance mean to you?

DéDé Dance means a lot to me! I get a lot of pleasure and happiness from this!

What is your favorite moment at DéDé Dance?

My favorite moment at DéDé Dance was when I was still dancing in Nuenen with my best friends. That time included preparations for the 2014 shows! I really enjoyed this:)