Who are you?

We are Linda Nijssen, Lisa Swinkels and Lisa van Haandel. All three teachers at a different location at DéDé Dance. Linda teaches in Helmond and Beek en Donk, Lisa Swinkels in Mierlo and Lisa van Haandel fills in for various groups, so you can run into her anywhere! We are 26, 26 and 23 years old and dance together at level 6 in Helmond Brouwhuis. In our daily lives, we do very different things. For example, Linda is a lab technician, Lisa Swinkels is a teacher at an elementary school and Lisa van Haandel is training to become a paraveterinarian.

What is your favorite moment at DéDé Dance?

Our very first sleepover lesson where we were allowed to teach together. That was truly a highlight!

What does DéDé Dance mean to you?

DéDé means a lot of fun to us! We like to provide a good dose of fun in our dance lessons and during performances, but also during our sleepover lessons during the summer holidays. Dancing with your friends is of course the most fun there is and we like to convey that to our kids!