DéDé Dance teacher Cathelijne

More about me

  • What makes teaching so much fun

    What gives me so much energy is the smiles on the faces of all those enthusiastic students after concluding another energetic dance class. I personally love discipline very much and when I see this reflected in a student, no matter how old, I am super proud. I myself love chatting immensely and my students find it all too fun to come and chat before or after class, super cozy!

  • Date of birth

    November 29, 2006

  • Funny moment from your lesson

    I was teaching my very youngest students from 3 to 5 years old and I had to be a little strict because they didn’t feel like it that early that morning…. A student walked up to me, tapped me and asked, “Miss why are you so silly with your eyebrow when we’re not listening?” Which made me laugh immensely and the students themselves too haha.

  • What was your 1st DéDé dance?

    My 1st DéDé dance was Babushka from k3 and the Minnie Mouse dance, right before the shows because they were coming up soon!

  • Nicest DéDé memory

    That’s my very first show at DéDé. I had just turned 3 and had been practicing in class for a few weeks with the Minnie Mouse mix. We were transformed into little Minnie Mice in the theater and I loved this so much! My godmother and my mom (who themselves have always taught or danced at DéDé) were babysitters backstage so I had them with me all evening, so it was a little less exciting! A super fun memory this evening that will stay with me forever.

  • Favorite dance

    The Michael Jackson mix. I thought this one was soooo cool when I was taught it. The music and tight dance moves were totally my thing. I could still dance him along if I had to.

  • How old were you when you started dancing?

    I was 2 years and 3 months old and never stopped from my 1st dance class. So by now I’ve been dancing for about 15 years.