DéDé Dance teacher Fenna

More about me

  • What makes teaching so much fun

    Being able to pass on the feeling of music and dancing to the children is amazing!

  • Date of birth

    Sept. 27, 2003

  • Funny moment from your lesson

    I had put on a nice song and let myself go a little bit to the music. I had forgotten for a moment that the children were watching me. The class after that, I came into class and the kids were all mimicking my dance moves. I will never forget this.

  • What was your 1st DéDé dance?

    Cool Frog

  • Nicest DéDé memory

    The hard and heavy training on Sunday mornings before the master class. I always got so much energy from this and that way I could get back on track.

  • Favorite dance

    Break Free

  • How old were you when you started dancing?

    I started with DéDé roughly when I was 5 years old, and came to Anneke. Soon I flowed through and unfortunately had to leave Anneke.