DéDé Dance teacher Hanneke

More about me

  • What makes teaching so much fun

    Energy, fun, fitness and strength. In 4 words my Fiesta Workout classes. Having fun during class, getting in front of yourself because you feel like exercising, that’s what my classes are all about. I don’t care if you go left and I go right. The variety in music, dance combine with exercises and workout. That makes my classes top notch!

  • Date of birth

    March 7, 1980

  • Funny moment from your lesson

    Over the years, many laughs and funny moments. My FWO students will especially mention that I toil on memorizing new Fiesta Workout choreos and then get a complete blackout when I offer it to them for the 1st time in class 😉

  • What was your 1st DéDé dance?

    Drunkin Sailor and Hey Hey Gnomes

  • Nicest DéDé memory

    I think back to my moments on stage with great warmth. Too bad those first moments on such a big stage are no longer in my mind! I am now that mother who enjoys my daughters’ dance talent with wet eyes Sharing the DéDé and dance love together gives me so many new and beautiful memories!

  • Favorite dance

    Maniac is and will always be DéDé for me!

  • How old were you when you started dancing?

    I have been dancing since I was 4 years old.