DéDé Dance teacher Lisa S

More about me

  • What makes teaching so much fun

    I enjoy immensely all the happy faces of the kids in classes. The pride you see on their faces when a more difficult pass finally succeeds. The sociability and jokes these girls bring to class every time. But also the lodge classes, all the performances & events make teaching really super fun!

  • Date of birth

    July 7, 1997

  • Funny moment from your lesson

    The other day I was talking to a parent before class started. In the meantime, some level 1 kids had come in. One of these kids decided to just start the lesson herself, so she sat down in the circle with all of the kids, and she also neatly went to wish them all good morning. The girl even complimented the others when they sat very neatly. It was incredibly funny and sweet to see!

  • What was your 1st DéDé dance?


  • Nicest DéDé memory

    Pooh, that’s a lot! I think the very first time I got to participate in the show as a student myself was the coolest! Fortunately, many shows came after that, where I even got to see my own students shine on stage!

  • Favorite dance

    MILF Money

  • How old were you when you started dancing?

    I have been dancing since I was 10 years old at DéDé