More about me

  • What makes teaching so much fun

    Super fun to teach students something. Always fun, of course.

  • Funny moment from your lesson

    November 19, 2005

  • What was your 1st DéDé dance?

    The funniest moment in my class was when I was explaining a new piece of dance and Siri thought of coming to teach with me too and so started talking over the speaker really loud….

  • Nicest DéDé memory

    My fondest memories within DéDé are the Lodge classes in 2022 with all the nice kids and other teachers 🙂 and of course all the shows and performances I got to do.

  • Favorite dance

    I think Baboushka in the 2010 show 🙂

  • How old were you when you started dancing?

    I was 2.5 when I had my first dance class at DéDé